GoDaddy E-Store supports
If you have sales related questions about setting up new PayPal service and would like to speak directly to a PayPal Product Specialist, call (1) 877-455-1481. If you have customer service related questions regarding an existing PayPal account and would like to speak directly to a PayPal Customer Service agent, call (1) 888-221-1161.
PayPal Express Checkout
Express Checkout is a more advanced solution by PayPal. It provides an alternative checkout process for your store.
Set Up PayPal Express Checkout
- In the side panel, click Sell Online, and then click Manage Store.
- Go to Settings, Payment, PayPal Express Checkout.
- Fill in all the necessary fields: API Username, API Password and Signature. You can get them from PayPal.
- Save the changes.
Generate PayPal API Signature
Have you generated an API certificate or signature before?
- If no, you need to generate a signature. Use instructions provided by PayPal: What are API Signature and Certificate credentials and how do I request them?
- If yes, then there are two options:
- You generated the API signature but cannot find it on the PayPal backend. In this case, you just need to grab it using the instruction posted above and use it in the E-Store Control Panel.
- You generated the API certificate. Unfortunately, PayPal doesn't allow having an API signature and a certificate at the same time. So you should remove the certificate and generate the signature instead. Attention: if you're already running any shopping cart with your PayPal account and this cart uses an API certificate, the cart will not be able to process PayPal transactions. In this case, you need to switch the cart to using a signature (PayPal recommends using a signature).
How PayPal Express Checkout works
- You add products to the bag.
- Click Checkout with PayPal.
- The store redirects you to the PayPal site.
- You sign in with the PayPal account or create a new one.
- PayPal redirects you back to the store.
- The store creates a new profile based on the information from PayPal and shows the last checkout page.
- You review your order, change the shipping method if necessary and click Submit order button.
- The store sends the request to PayPal in the background, PayPal charges your credit card.
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Can my customers pay by credit card without creating or using a PayPal account?
All PayPal services allow paying by credit card without a PayPal account. If your customers are prompted to sign up at PayPal to pay, there may be various reasons for that, starting from cookies set up and ending up with your PayPal account settings. Please refer to the following for detailed instructions:
Can I use PayPal if I have a PayPal Personal account?
Yes, if you have a Personal account, it will work with the store. Use PayPal Standard payment option.
I see a sale on the Paypal backend, but it is not showing in GoDaddy E-Store
If you see any order in PayPal and do not see it in the store, first of all, make sure that your PayPal module is set up properly and all the steps from this instruction above have been carried out. Pay particular attention to IPN messages—they must be enabled.
If all PayPal settings are correct, open IPN History page in your PayPal backend and check it for any errors or failed IPN messages. If you have any failed messages related to the missing orders there, try to re-send them:
- Log in to your PayPal account and hover over History.
- Click IPN history from the menu.
- On the Instant Payment Notification history page select All (Last N days).
- Click Search.
- Then mark the messages that need to be resent and click Resend selected.
If the above does not help, please report the issue to our support team, and we will investigate it closely.
A customer has paid via PayPal, but orders are shown as Awaiting Payment in E-Store Control Panel.
If an order is successfully placed and you have fully charged the customer for it, it should get "Paid" status. Status "Awaiting Payment" means that the order is pending or it has been placed but the money has not been transferred to your account yet. You can check what error is returned from PayPal in the order details in E-Store Control Panel, Additional information section.
The following may be several reasons why some PayPal order gets Awaiting Payment status instead of Paid:
PayPal has informed us that the payment is pending, that is, you actually have not received the money yet
Here is a list of possible pending reasons:
- Address: The payment is pending because your customer has not included a confirmed shipping address and your Payment Receiving Preferences is set to allow you to manually accept or deny each of these payments. To change your preferences, go to the Preferences section of your Profile.
- Authorization: You set the payment action to Authorization and have not captured funds yet. The Payment Action parameter is set in the E-Store Control Panel, System Settings → Payment → PayPal Express Checkout tab. For the description of what each parameter means, please refer to If you want orders going through Express Checkout to be processed right away, you need to change this parameter to Sale.
- eCheck: The payment is pending because it was made by an eCheck that has not been cleared yet.
- Intl: The payment is pending because you hold a non-U.S. account and do not have a withdrawal mechanism. You should manually accept or deny this payment from your Account Overview.
- Multi-currency: You do not have a balance in the currency sent, and you do not have your Payment Receiving Preferences set to automatically convert and accept this payment. You should manually accept or deny this payment.
- Order: You set the payment action to Order and have not captured funds yet. See comments about authorization above.
- Payment review: The payment is pending while it is being reviewed by PayPal for risk.
- Unilateral: The payment is pending because it was made to an email address that has not been registered or confirmed yet.
- Upgrade: The payment is pending because it has been made via credit card and you should upgrade your account to Business or Premier status in order to receive the funds. Upgrade can also mean that you have reached the monthly limit for transactions on your account.
- Verify: The payment is pending because you have not been verified yet. You should verify your account first, and after that, you will be able to accept this payment.
- Other: The payment is pending for some reason different from those listed above. For more information contact PayPal Customer Service.
The most frequent reason for all above is that a payment has been made by an eCheck that has not been cleared yet. After an eCheck is cleared (usually it takes 3-5 days), the order status will be changed to Paid automatically.
Error "This order is on the "Awaiting Payment" status because the order total and the amount actually paid do not match. Please check this order in your PayPal Admin Area for possible issues."
In this case, usually the orders are processed successfully and the money is paid. You will see this error message in the order details, on Sales page at the E-Store Control Panel. There are three possible causes:
- The order total, formed in the store, doesn't match the order total returned by PayPal. Probably, you are using PayPal's taxes or shipping rates (enabled in your PayPal merchant account). These rates are appended to the order total when the customer is redirected to PayPal. You need to check your PayPal manager account for tax and shipping settings and disable them if any.
- The currency in which the store sells differs from the one set in your PayPal account. You need to make sure you setup the same currency on both sides.
- The payments are transferred to the PayPal email that differs from that you specified in the E-Store Control Panel, Settings → Payment → Account details of the PayPal Standard payment method.
As a security measure, to avoid any possible hack attempts, the store requires that the payment is processed to the PayPal email that is recorded in the E-Store Control Panel. If the transaction has a different email, the store sets the order status to Awaiting Payment or PayPal will mark the order as pending.
Most likely you have two emails associated with your business PayPal account, both are valid therefore PayPal accepted the payment. Yet only one of the emails is supposed to receive the payments.
You need to make sure you submitted the right PayPal email in your E-Store Control Panel, Settings, Payment, Accountdetails. If you are not sure to what email you are receiving payments, you can contact PayPal customer support.
PayPal had some problems on their side
When a payment is made, PayPal sends an IPN (instant payment notification) message with the payment details. GoDaddy E-Store verifies this IPN message and if everything is OK, it updates the order status. If for some reasons (due to an error or a downtime) the PayPal server hasn't answered to our request to verify the transaction (that is, we do not know if the IPN message has been legit or not), the order status will be set to Awaiting Payment.